Everything you need to know about your computer will display itself in the Speccy window.Speccy is an advanced system information tool that can tell you about your processor, the amount of memory, video card, hard drive, and more. Thankfully, this software is free of add-ons and bloatware.Speccy will run automatically when the installation is complete. You should also remember to read the License Agreement and the Privacy Policy upon the first installation window before continuing onward.For settings beyond that, you can use the default settings or select the options to uncheck the desktop shortcuts and start menu shortcuts. When the download is complete, you can open and run the installation files. On the left side of the comparison chart in the Speccy Free box, find the green text link labeled “ ” and click it to begin your download. The free version of Speccy will work just fine for most users. Once you’re on the Speccy website, click the green “ Download Free Version” button at the top of the page or purchase the Professional version on the blue button.Following that, the page will scroll down and you’ll be presented with the various options of either Free or purchase the Professional Speccy version.

How to get Speccy You can navigate to the Speccy download page using the blue button below. If you’re a custom PC builder, more often than not you’ve lost the book for your motherboard, and tearing apart the system to find out the specific model isn’t something you want to tackle. Motherboards Another useful tool in Speccy is finding out what motherboard you have to do upgrades with compatible parts. If you’re on a laptop, you can find out the status of its battery and power profiles. For this, I used the Operating System tab, where you can discover information such as the security settings, Windows Update, whether you have a firewall or antivirus installed. Operating systems Another place to find helpful information is when you break it down to the specific areas. By using this software and cleaning up the cards’ built-in onboard fan, I was able to restore my computer to optimal heat levels. You can check your CPU, hard drive and graphics card temperatures if equipped.A few years back, my desktop computer’s graphics card overheated. This can be useful in several scenarios, such as your computer suddenly turning off. Temperature readouts For an underperforming machine, Speccy gives you temperature readouts for each component that has a thermometer.

What does it provide?Speccy gives you a birds-eye view of your computer.The summary page tells which edition of Windows 10 you have, your very specific CPU information, what RAM you have in your system and how much is available, along with memory speeds, your motherboard, graphics, storage and more.